Friday, 14 February 2014

Baby steps

Friday, February 14, 2014
So I am now officially a father. On 31 Jan I had a lovely and healthy son. People had asked me upfront what I would do with my training once the baby was born and my answer had always been it would not make any difference and I would simply keep my training plan.
Now it is 2 weeks ago and I have only been out on 2 runs, and none of them were longer than 10k. Oh what an illusion I was living in before when I had expected it would be no problem keeping to my training plan.

I am however determined to try and not let this interfere with the race plans I have for 2014 and beyond. After all, juggling a life with a wife, newborn baby, international career and a 50k+ weekly training schedule should be possible, right? At least I am going to give it a try. The good thing about training when you have a newborn in the house is it always feels like you have been out on a long run the day before no matter when you train, so every run feels like a back-to-back run. Sleep deprivation does that to you I guess... Anyway, better get out there on the trails. I have yet to hear about the runner that got better by writing about running instead of actually running.

About the author

I am a 29 year old guy, who just loves running. I also love planning, order and goals. Which is why I am combining all of that into, The First Project..